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Re: Re[2]: NRC Licensing of Am-241
In the dim dark past, this was the case, as I also recall. The matter HAS
been addressed, and the risk/benefit analysis came out in favor of exempting
the devices, if my failing memory serves me correctly. Regardless, I'm
sure the NRC has a position paper on the efficacy of making these devices
exempt. They are busy re-baselining and strategically reassessing
themselves this week. When they have solved all of their own problems, I'm
sure one of them will step up to the plate and cite chapter and verse.
Have a good weekend!
Bill Spell
From: radsafe
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Re: Re[2]: NRC Licensing of Am-241
Date: Friday, October 25, 1996 11:12AM
Bill --
Thanx for the comment. I seem to recall in the dim dark past having seen
noticies on smoke detectors that indicated that they should be returned to
the manufacturer. But then again, I may be in error. Bu t no matter:
there is a flaw in the regulatory/licensing process for Am-241 that needs to
be corrected, and I challenge the regulators to step up to the plate and
address it.
>Not quite, Ron. The manufacturer has a specific license to manufacture and
>distribute the devices to persons generally licensed. And, single smoke
>detectors may be disposed of via trash to a sanitary landfill. A dealer,
>manufacturer, etc., cannot dispose of quantities of these at one time in
>this manner, however. At least, this was it the last time I heard.
>Bill Spell
> ----------
>From: radsafe
>To: Multiple recipients of list
>Subject: Re: Re[2]: NRC Licensing of Am-241
>Date: Thursday, October 24, 1996 6:07PM
>Steve --
>The Am-241 in fire detectors is licensed under the provision of a general
>license issued to the manufacturer. I think you will find that notice
>your fire detector. You are supposed to give it back to the manufacturer,
>think, when you get rid of the fire detector. What all this is pointing
>is that perhaps the licensing process needs a bit of amendment.
>> If any amount of Am-241 must be licensed, why can/do I have 50+ uCi
>> it at home (several smoke detectors) without a license or any
>> of any kind on it? Just curious what _regulatory_ basis there is for
>> this?
>> Steven D. Rima, CHP
>> President, DATUM Enterprises, LC
>> sdrima@aol.com
>> or
>> Steven_Rima_at_DOEGJPO@gjpomail.doegjpo.com
>> *** no disclaimers needed - I work for myself! ***
>>______________________________ Reply Separator
>>Subject: Re: NRC Licensing of Am-241
>>Author: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at INTERNET
>>Date: 10/24/96 3:10 PM
>>The answer is: Yep. Any amount of Am-241 must be licensed. However,
>>you'll also note that there are (admittedly small) effluent release
>>limits in 10 CFR 20 App B. So you don't have to have a license if
>>you find some trace levels in your air and/or water. But you can't
>>transfer or receive it without the license.
>>>Can anyone tell me why Americium-241 is not listed in 10CFR30.71,
>>>I know that it is mentioned in 30.15 at 0.05 microcuries for sources in
>>>ionizing radiation measureing instruments.
>>>Since it's not listed, does this mean that "ANY" amount of Am-241 must be
>>>licensed by the NRC?
>>>**************************** /^\ /^\ *********************************
>>>Tad Blanchard /__ \ /___\ NASA-Goddard Space Flt Ctr
>>>Nat'l Health Svc, Inc O Greenbelt, Maryland
>>>Sr Health Physics Tech / \ Phone: 301-286-9157
>>> /___\ Fax: 301-286-1618
>>> Tad.M.Blanchard.1@GSFC.NASA.gov
>>Wesley M. Dunn, CHP 512-834-6688
>>Deputy Director, Licensing 512-834-6690 (fax)
>>(Texas) Bureau of Radiation Control wdunn@brc1.tdh.state.tx.us