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Re: Microfuge contamination

We allow 2000 dpm inside a centrifuge here at Southern Illinois University.
 For comparison, we allow 200 dpm for loose surface contamination outside
such restricted areas.  Another limit we have is 1000 dpm inside a
designated radioactive fume hood.  If I can be of further service please
feel free to ask.

> From: Tom Kellogg <tkellogg@cosmos.uvm.edu>
> To: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
> Subject: Microfuge contamination
> Date: Friday, November 22, 1996 1:07 PM
> Hello,
> I have a question for you academic/univesity/medical type radsafe 
> people about microfuge contamination.  The question is this......
> Labs that spin eppendorf tubes in a microfuge containing P-32 and/or 
> S-35 seem to get contaminate frequently.  (approximately 1000 - 
> 3000 dpm).  It's low level contamination but still contamination.  
> Has any one had any experience with this and were you able to make 
> some modification to eliminate this contamination?  Or, how much 
> contamination will you allow in microfuges that continually get 
> contaminated?
> Thanks for any help.
> Tom
> /\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\-/\
> Thomas L. Kellogg                   Phone :  (802) 656-2570
> Radiation Safety Office               FAX :  (802) 656-8876
> University of Vermont              E-mail :  tkellogg@cosmos.uvm.edu
> \/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/