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Part 33 proposal
What about the postal employee who brings a rifle to work :-)
> Comment: for those who have not yet looked
> this up, beware, this proposal could have as
> much impact on your program as the Part 20 revision.
> My favorite item is a new 33.25(b), "A licensee ...
> is responsible for the acts and omissions of the
> supervised individual." There is no qualification
> of reasonable, standard-of-performance, etc., to
> exclude totally irresponsible acts. It adds a
> new meaning to liability.
> A question: While the current and the proposed
> Part 33 exclude Part 35 type activities, there are
> repeated references to medical type licensed
> activities, e.g., "33.21(a) ... for medical broad
> scope licensees ...."
> Is Part 33 in fact used for medical licensee activities?
> If so, why are these not covered by Part 35?
> Is there a reson why these cannot be mutually exclusive?
> Put this down for the dumb question of the day.
Are we revisiting the "double standard" for good (medical) and bad (industry)
> A little risk adds spice to life.
> Lester.Slaback@NIST.gov
Regards, Jim Muckerheide