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Re: food irradiation

pros -	cost effectiveness as compared to pasteurization
	efficacy if adequately performed

cons -	perception
	energy utilization or wastes
	potential for misuse

IAEA funded extensive studies with extensive written papers and conferences.
USDA has pamphlets.
ANS has info for irradiated food banquets.	

* * M E R R Y * * C H R I S T M A S * * H A P P Y * * H A N U K K A H * * 

Bill Pitchford			Bill.Pitchford@asu.edu
Radiation Protection Facility	(602)965-6140 voice
Arizona State University	http://www.asu.edu
Campus Box 873501		(602)965-6609 facsimile
Tempe, Arizona 85287-3501	http://physics.isu.edu

* * H A P P Y * * H A N U K K A H * * M E R R Y * * C H R I S T M A S * *