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Dose estimates when dosimetry is lost/damaged
*** Reply to note of 12/18/96 09:16
Supervisor, Radiation Dosimetry & Records
User ID-RUH; Mail Stop-4147; Ext. 6-1973
As the processor and record keeper for radiation dosimetry at the INEL,
we follow essentially the same protocol that Sandy is recommending. All
valid dose results (as determined by technical dosimetry staff review)
are entered into the record. Any non-valid or suspicious results
(lost/missing badges, anomalous phosphor responses, apparently valid
results that don't appear consistent with facility experience, etc) are
identified to the operational radcon staff (read customer) for
evaluation, review and approval of the dose to be assigned. This
documented, approved dose is then entered into the record with
appropriate markers and links back to the basis. The same process is
used when the customer believes that an apparently valid dose is in
error compared to his knowledge of the individuals work history (either
too high or too low); the customer can provide a documented, approved
basis (which is retained within the records) as the basis for revising the
record. "ALL" revision to any dose are linked to a basis.
In Summary, the dosimetry processor is responsible for the technical
validity of all routine dose results. Any other results require the
involvement of the customer to review and approve the basis for the
assigned dose.
This is not just my opinion; it is our policy!!