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Re: Plutonium spontaneously combusting???
The temperature at which spontaeous combustion of Pu metal occurrs is
governed by impurities (% alloy), % O2 & inerting gas type, moisture
content, surface area, surface oxidation state, and temperature of the
Pu. Whether or not a particular metal sample can auto heat (via slow
oxidation ) to the lowest ignition temperature is typically determined
by the heat transfer characteristics of the container or surface on
which the material is placed and the total mass of the Pu.
One good reference is "Plutonium Glovebox Alternative Fire Prevention
Study", Report NO. WSRC-TR-92-599 (12/04/91), which states "There is
always a risk of spontaneous ignition of finely divided or powder Pu in
a high moisture content atmosphere. However, actual ignition of
massive metal pieces of Pu requires very high temperatures and is very
difficult." This report lists about 21 references.
Another source of information is the "Plutonium Handbook (A Guide to
the Technology)", Gordon and Breach Publishers, 1967, chapter 6, which
gives and indication of the range of environmental conditions over
which Pu will ignite.