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Dear Radsafers:

The following document is available for downloading from the EPA Website. We've broken it down into separate
chapters for downloading but that the whole enchilada is ~3 MB zipped! If you want a hard copy then please direct
your requests to (webmaster.oria@epamail.epa.gov). Happy Holidays.

The Multi-Agency Radiation Site Survey Investigation Manual

MARSSIM will provide guidance for planning, conducting, evaluating and documenting environmental radiological
surveys for demonstrating compliance with dose-based regulations. The MARSSIM, when finalized, will be a
multi-agency consensus information document. MARSSIM has been developed collaboratively over the past three
years by four Federal agencies having authority for control of radioactive material; DoD, DOE, EPA, and NRC. The
draft manual is being prepared by a multi-agency technical working group composed of representatives from DoD,
DOE, EPA, and NRC. Files are in Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf) format. Instructions for submitting comments are in the Notice
section of the file named "TOC.PDF"

Carey A. Johnston (US EPA)
Radiation Protection Division
ph: (202) 233 9341
fx: (202) 233 9650