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Re: regulations

Les Slaback wrote, in part:
 2. It is
>entirely appropriate that they (regulatory compliance & Operational safety)
are largely exclusive since they serve
>different purposes.  "Operational safety" is the function of maintaining
>and administering a safe operation on a day to day basis. "Regulatory
>compliance" is just that, and a large fraction (if not most) of the
>regulations are only remotely related to operational safety.  3. Confusing
>the two functions is detrimental to the successful accomplishment of both.

What, then, is the funtion of the regulation?  Where is the (ethically
required) benefit? Les, what I believe I'm hearing you say is that, within
the confines of administering a program, it's appropriate to keep the two
functions separate, an operational decision (necessity?).  However, that the
two ARE largely exclusive is unethical and an abomination.

          Ron Morgan <rgmorgan@lanl.gov>
          Operational Health Physics (ESH-1)
          Los Alamos National Laboratory
          MS K-487, Los Alamos New Mexico, 87545
          Phone (505) 665-7843
          Fax   (505) 667-6116
          Voice pager 104-1787