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RE: To be or not to be
Happy New Year to all !
JJ Rosenthal wrote: "Experts only knows by hearth"
Just a few comments based on my Romanian experience:
I) In Romanian regulations, which are made according with IAEA
recommendations, the difference between accident and incident is very
well stated in the nuclear law.
Nuclear incident: nuclear event occurring inside the restricted area
leading to an exposure of the professional exposed personnel or
radioactive contamination of the site over the accepted limits.
Nuclear accident: nuclear event damaging the nuclear facility and lead
to exposure and contamination of population members or of environment,
over the accepted limits.
Confusions are not made at expert level, but in mediatization of such
nuclear events.
III) Basically, an inspector has to be a person with a superior
scientifical degree ( MSc or PhD ) in nuclear science and with a large
experience in nuclear field within the inspector's attributions are. The
second requirement is not followed consequently (just an observation)!
If the inspector knows the problems of the facility, is not necessary to
has the capacity of looking with the corner of the eyes.
II) In Romania, a developing country, the inspector can apply a fine.
The person or the organization may complain to the Regulatory Body or in
Hope this was of interest,
Cristian Nicolau