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Re: Microshield
The product Microshld does perform bremstrahlung calculations as per ISOSHLD.
Bob Hearn
At 01:05 PM 1/15/97 -0600, you wrote:
>ISOSHLD II would calculate bremsstrahlung.
>At 06:39 AM 1/6/97 -0600, you wrote:
>>Hi Radsafers,
>>For shielding calculations, I currently use Microshield Version 4.0. I would
>>be curious to know how you (Microshield users) deal with Bremstrahlung from
>>Beta emitters. Is there any software that would take into consideration
>>bremstrahlung ?
>>Best regards,
>>Jean-Michel MURE
>>Parc de la Croix Blanche
>>1-7, rue Jean Monnet
>>Tel : (1) 46 11 83 74
>>Fax : (1) 46 11 80 13
>>Email : Jean-Michel.Mure@andra.fr
>Gloria T. Mei Email: meigt@ornl.gov
>Office of Radiation Protection Phone: (423) 574-0188
>Oak Ridge National Laboratory Fax: (423) 241-2779
>P.O. Box 2008, MS-6160
>Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6160