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Re: Is Tritium Really That "Nasty"?
On this topic a U.S. agency in several of its publications when discussing
occupational exposures (i.e., < annual limit) to tritium has used the
"Exposure to tritium-oxide can be medically significant because it is
readily incorporated into body tissue."
One can pick at various portions of this sentence, but more curiously,
they do not seem to attach the same significance to the internal
deposition of other nuclides (since a similar statement has not appeared
when summaries of other internal exposures have occurred.)
On the other hand one should not presume an organizational position based
simply on several official publications. <grin>
the above are the personal musing of the author,
and do not represent any past, current, or future
position of NIST, the U.S. Government, or anyone else
who might think that they are in a position of authority.
NBSR Health Physics
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
301 975-5810