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RE: NRRPT and Technician training
>Date: 30-Jan-97 12:50:15 -0500
>From: RADSAFE@smtp (radsafe){radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu}
>To: RADSAFE (Multiple recipients oflist){radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu}
>Reply-to: RADSAFE@smtp{radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu}
>Subject: NRRPT and Technician training
>Message-id: 9AEEF03201CC2B79
>O-SMTP-Envelope-From: <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
> From: Ellen_Hochheiser@RL.gov
>Earlier I request information from DOE sights on whether they exempt
>RRPT from the core RCT exam. What happens in the NRC world? Do you
>exempt RRPTs from any RCT training? If so what type of training to you
>exempt them from? Please reply privately, I will post a summary on
>Ellen Hochheiser
>Anything express in this E-mail is mine and does not represent my
>employers opinions.....
Dear Ellen,
If a site chooses to exempt a RRPT from attending the core training they can
opt to give a challenge exam or accept the RRPT exam results. This does not
exempt them from future training, all technicians should be involved in a
continual training program. Also in accordance with 835 all technicians must
requalify every two years, the RRPT is only given once so a tech would have to
take another exam at the two year point. The intent is the reduce the amount
of time someone with RRPT would have to spend in the class, keeping in mind
that a comparsion of the learning objectives of the DOE core materials to the
RRPT exam was conducted. The results are available through the RPT SIG of
TRADE. The point is that someone must have five years of field experience as
a RCT in order to sit for the RRPT exam, surely they have learned something in
that time!