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Waste Management Symposim Info
From: Carolworth@aol.com
I produce a conference daily and handle all media for WM'97, and plan a piece
on "What is RadSafe?" Now that you have the Waste Management symposium's
(WM'97) website, here's a little info about the largest international
conference on radioactive waste and environmental restoration:
WHO: 2000 Attendees from University, Industry and Government concerns
involved in radioactive waste management and cleanup worldwide
WHAT: WM'97, the largest international conference on Rad Waste Management
WHEN: Sunday, March 2 to Thursday, March 6, 1997
WHERE: Tucson Convention Center, Tucson, Az.
WM'97, the premier international conference on radioactive waste management,
celebrates its 23nd anniversary with: pre-conference workshops on "How Clean
is Clean?;" a Workshop on transportation risk analysis; a Tuesday Teachers
Workshop; international plenary speakers; and an increased focus on
privatization, LL waste compacts, public participation, and plutonium
For 23 years government, industry, and university representatives have been
meeting to discuss policies and technologies for cleaning up radioactive
waste from weapons production, medical uses, industry and power plants. And
a lot of progress has been made. Don't miss this chance to meet one-on-one
with DOE's Asst. Sec. Alvin Alm and DAS Jim Owendoff.
Come in March if you want to hear the status of multinational repositories,
or of states' compacts for low-level radiation/mixed waste. Also under
discussion and presentation are the technical, regulatory and policy concerns
about spent fuel management 1/31 States sue DOE to suspend Nuclear Waste Fund
payments), about vitrification plants operations, transuranic waste packaging
and transportation in readiness for the opening of WIPP, and the
hydrogeologic and geochemical aspects of waste disposal.