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Int Conf Rad Health -Message to Radsafers
Dear Radsafers, January 30, 1997
As some of you may know, last November 3-7, 1996 the First
International Conference on Radiation and Health, was hosted at the Ben
Gurion University of the Negev in Beer Sheva, Israel.
The conference dealt significantly (though not exclusively) with
health aspects of the Chernobyl accident and its contribution to the
understanding of environmental problems of radiation exposure. We organized
the meeting here because of the large immigration to Israel from CIS
countries and the health concerns of the immigrants from areas of Belarus,
Ukraine and Southern Russia who were exposed to Chernobyl radiation. There
was attendance from about 30 countries. Selected papers from the
proceedings will be published later this year as a monograph in
Environmental Health Perspectives.
We wish to notify those interested that all of the abstracts and
program were just published in Public Health Reviews 24, 205-431, 1996.
Sessions and symposia were held regarding the health effects on
liquidators, thyroid cancer, the role of DNA mutations in radiation
carcinogenesis, physics and health physics, biological indicators of
radiation exposure, radiobiology and radioprotection, psychosocial aspects,
long term effects, occupational and chronic exposures, risk analysis and
health policy and a special symposium on non-ionizing radiations was held.
A limited number of copies of the issue from Public Health Reviews
(with 174 abstracts) are available and can be obtained by contacting the
undersigned. There is a modest (non-profit) charge to offset the cost of
printing and mailing.
Michael R. Quastel MD PhD
Co-Chair, International Conf Radiation and Health
Head Institute of Nuclear Medicine
Soroka Medical Center,
POB 151, Beer Sheva, Israel 84101
Fax 972-7-6400765
Tel:972-7-6400754 / 940
E-mail: maay100@bgumail.bgu.ac.il