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RE: NRRPT and Technician training
>Earlier I request information from DOE sights on whether they exempt
>RRPT from the core RCT exam. What happens in the NRC world? Do you
>exempt RRPTs from any RCT training? If so what type of training to
>you exempt them from?
In the power reactor world, it depends on each specific plant. It
used to be that any new rad worker, or HPT, would take all of the
training, regardless of the background. A HPT could come from another
plant and they would still take all of the training. At some I am
familiar with, they are still required to take the in-house HPT INPO
training, but can test out as they get to each module. The bottom
line is, they are not considered a qualified HPT until all the
testing is completed. There is no difference whether they are a rad
worker with just experience, ond with experience and a NRRPT or CHP
for that matter. They are still in the HPT training program. Once
completed, each HPT is in the Continuous Training Program, with a
minimum requirement of 50 hrs per year.
Sandy Perle
Technical Director
ICN Dosimetry Division
Office: (800) 548-5100 x2306
Fax: (714) 668-3149
E-Mail: sandyfl@ix.netcom.com
Personal Homepages:
http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/1205 (primary)
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