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Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Testing -Reply
A listing of all announced nuclear tests (including
atmospherics), by the United States, can be obtained by
calling DOE/NV's Public Reading Facility at (702)
295-1623. They also have a number of very interesting
documents, available to the public, on U.S. Weapons
Joel R. Hoyt
Bechtel Nevada
>>> <LASHLEYT@detroitedison.com> 02/03/97 7:02
Does anyone know where I can find a list of dates and
tonnage for atmospheric weapons testing from the late
50's and early 60's. I am in the process of reviewing
environmental sample data from this time period, and have
noted periods of increased activity. If you have any
information you can E-mail directly. Thank you in
Thomas Lashley LashleyT@detroitedison.com