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Re: radiopharmaceutical patient release
John Kurkomelis wrote:
> first of all a patient with 150 mCi cannot be released from a medical
> facility until a dose rate of 5 mr/hr at one meter and or less than 30
> mCi. the dose rate can be anywhere from 18-26 mr/hr at one meter.
> Secondly the dose rate to the general public is 100 mrem/yr .
> Yes the overall dose rate may be low but we are obligated to ensure
> as low as a dose possible to anyone in the ares of rad. material.
I thought the idea was As Low As Reasonably Achievable, not as low as
possible. All things are possible. Therefore, the dose should be
zero. There's something amiss here. Al Tschaeche xat@inel.gov