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Re: searching high & low

     William,  I'd recommend checking into the following good 
     references that discuss the development of disposal of low level 
     radioactive waste.  To some extent a discussion of the history 
     provides the basis for low level and high level categories.  The 
     book by Gershey briefly discusses intermediate level waste 
     disposal, a classification in some European countries.
     NRC's NUREG-0945, Vol.1, Final Environmental Impact Statement on 
     10 CFR Part 61, "Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of 
     Radioactive Waste."  November, 1982.  This is where the basis for 
     the regulation is stated, and addresses the issues of the 
     long-lived isotopes at low concentrations vice the short lived 
     isotopes in greater concentrations, which isotopes are the 
     largest potential risks long-term to the public (you'll be 
     surprised since it's not Cs-137 or Co-60 from reactors).
     Gershey, Edward L., et al.  Low-Level Radioactive Waste, From 
     Cradle to Grave, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990.
     Another excellent reference is Murray, Raymond L, Understanding 
     Radioactive Waste, Battelle Press, Columbus/Richland, 4th edition 
     (1994? - someone's borrowed my copy).
     good luck,
     Eric Goldin
     Southern California Edison