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Re: PBS Frontline Broadcast on Nuclear Power

Judd Sills wrote:
> Last week, someone (and I apologize for not remembering who
> was the kind soul that forwarded the information on this to
> us on RADSAFE) posted information to inform us about the upcoming
> April 22nd broadcast of a PBS Frontline program that was
> to analyze the accuracy of public impression of the relative
> safety of the nuclear power industry to other well accepted
> risks.  There was some interest sparked in this upcoming
> presentation, so I thought that the group may be interested
> in the following news article regarding anti-nuclear activist
> actions to try to stop the program.

So - it sounds as if we need to contact PBS/Frontline/Palfreman and
express our support for his program.  Who knows how to contact them? 
And what is the phone/fax/email address?

Al Tschaeche antatnsu@pacbell.net