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Re: ALIs and DACs in a file

At 07:53 AM 4/11/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Does anybody have or know where to get ALIs and DACs electronically?
>(pls. reply to email, don't have ready access to list.)

Fellow Radsafers:

I have a WP6.1 version of the DAC table utilized in 10 CFR 835. It
was provided to the requestor directly, but I thought that others 
might also be interested.  The file is 188K and I was too concerned
of soliciting the wrath of Melissa (and others who so readily do so)
of sending a post with an attachment of this size.  If you would like
a copy, it can be downloaded via FTP at the following URL:


If you don't have an FTP program, but have Netscape, just open a new
location and preceed the above URL with "ftp://";

If you still can't obtain the file and "really" need it, send me an
email and I'll try to accommodate your request.


      _/_/        _/_/      _/_/_/_/   Robert M. Loesch
     _/  _/    _/   _/     _/         US Department of Energy
    _/   _/  _/      _/   _/         EH-52, GTN, 270CC
   _/	  _/ _/       _/  _/_/_/_/   19901 Germantown Road	
  _/    _/  _/      _/  _/         Germantown, MD  20874-1290
 _/    _/    _/   _/   _/         Tel: 301 903-4443;  Fax: -7773
_/_/_/       _/_/     _/_/_/_/   loesch@spok.eh.doe.gov
 "The definition of a public health disaster is a catastrophe so large
     that an epidemiologic study can detect it."    David Ozonoff