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re: New Jersey Incident
- To: " - (052)radsafe(a)romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu"<radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
- Subject: re: New Jersey Incident
- From: MVala@USCCMAIL.uscc.bms.com
- Date: Fri, 09 May 1997 11:37:36 -0500
- X400-Content-Type: P2-1988 (22)
- X400-Mts-Identifier: [/PRMD=BRIMYSQ/ADMD=MARK400/C=US/;0004700010762084000002]
- X400-Originator: MVala@USCCMAIL.uscc.bms.com
- X400-Recipients: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Radsafers -
I was equally appalled by the evacuation of the school and its closing
for one day for inspection. As a member of the NJ HPS and a past
president, we have been trying for years to get the opportunity to
present to local schools. We sent out letters to the high schools
informing them of our Speaker's Bureau (Ellen Hocheiser was key in
setting up the program), we have attended Science Teacher Conventions
and open houses through out the state. The end result - we are
invited to about five schools a year. Some of these schools are
repeat requests. We can't force people to invite us, we can only
offer. Maybe with this incident interest will increase. We have a
chapter meeting in about a week and I'm sure this will come up. We
will probably contact Colonia High School directly and see if they are
interested now.
As for the reaction of the state, it was obviously overkill, but they
were dealing with children and trying to convince parents that there
is nothing to worry about is nearly impossible. About ten years ago
at a school a few miles from this one a student brought home an item
that had been in a science room closet for years. It turned out to be
50 mCi Ra-226 nasal applicator. The state official quoted in the
article responded to that incident as well. He is correct in saying
that you never know what your dealing with until someone experienced
can evaluate the situation.
From NJ-
Mike Vala
We've certainly got some high powered, well connected individuals
here on
radsafe. Come on guys, see what you can do!! If each member of our
industry contributed to a media campaign, it wouldn't cost any
single entity
much, but could sure make huge difference for all of us in the long
Possibly even go a long way towards reviving the
nuclear industry here in the good ol' U.S. of A. Perhaps HPS could
the effort?
Well I'll get off my soap box now. Thanks one and all,
Robin Siskel
All the usual disclaimers,
(email Robin_Siskel@notes.ypm.gov)