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Re: Solar Flares and Space Stationonation

So is this the same phenomenon that John Glenn described during his 

Dwayne Gardner
From: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Subject:   Re: Solar Flares and Space Station
Date: Monday, May 19, 1997 12:46PM

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Subject: Re: Solar Flares and Space Station
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Hi gang -

The following phenomenon has been observed by astronauts since the early 
of the space program. The most likely cause of which I am aware is
interaction of the
charged hydrogen nuclei (ie., proton) component of cosmic rays with the
centers of the brain.

Is this cause still accepted as the likely one?

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In a message dated 97-05-19 08:42:12 EDT, Wes Van Pelt write:

 I was watching a live Q&A with the 10 cosmonauts/astronauts this morning
 on CNN.

 One astronaut described light flashes "seen" while asleep, or in
 complete darknesss with eyes closed. This is a known phenomenon.

 However, I found very interesting his additional obaservation: that the
 flashes were now trails, and that by re-orienting his head, he made the
 light trails change their apparent orientation tthat he "saw".

 I think there is some recent solar flare activity producing a solar wind
 and a larger high energy particle flux at the space station.

 Any comments?


 Wesley R. Van Pelt, Ph.D., CIH, CHP                KF2LG