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Fwd: Sr-90 Eye Applicator Calibration

You might try the ADCL at the Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, they do about
everything else, (608)262-6320. Otherwise maybe Isotope Products
Laboratories, I think that they have an extrapolation chamber (818)843-7000.
Please let us know what you discover.

chris alston
Forwarded message:
From:	McComasVan@AOL.COM ((Van McComas))
Sender:	medphys@LISTS.WAYNE.EDU (Medical Physics Listserver)
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To:	MEDPHYS@LISTS.WAYNE.EDU (Multiple recipients of list MEDPHYS)
Date: 97-05-20 17:28:17 EDT

I need to have a Sr-90 eye applicator calibrated. Dose anyone know of a
vendor that performes this type of calibration?  Please send answers to the
email below. Thanks.

Van H. McComas, MS
Senior Medical Physicist
Virginia Baptist Hospital
Lynchburg, VA

Email:  McComasVan@aol.com