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Re: airport and radiation safety
I will reply to radsafe in case this is of some interest to others.
I have had occasion to travel (with a survey meter in hand) through
many airports - doesn't everyone?. I have found that in all cases (so far)
the personnel who check carry-on luggage have been "more than happy" to have
me "informally/unofficially" check (out) their equipment with my meter.
So far (using a Ludlum, Model-3 survey meter with a 44-9 pancake and
a 44-3 scintillation probe), I have found no airport cabinet x-rays which
externally exceeded background levels at the operator's station or anywhere
else where any airport personnel or airline travelers could come in physical
contact unless, of course, you "road through" on the conveyor belt.
I am not saying that all airport cabinet x-rays are ok, I am only
saying that "I personally" have not found any machines which were above
background levels.
At 02:24 AM 5/29/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi to alla radsafers!
>I'm interested in finding out if anybody of you is concerned in
>radiation safety in an airport.
>I was asked to evaluate the risk for the workers who manage and check
>radioactive parcels arriving by air and those working with RX baggage checkers.
>Is anybody interested?
>Thanks, Mauro
>Mauro Campoleoni
>Health Physicist
>Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento
>Via della Commenda, 12
>20122 - Milano, Italy, tel. 39-2-57992166
Joel T. Baumbaugh (baumbaug@nosc.mil)
Naval Research and Development (NRaD)
San Diego, CA., U.S.A.
The content of this message has not been reviewed or endorsed by my employer
(the U.S. Navy), the Federal government or my supervisors.