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Re: NRC/DOT Guidance for "Low Specific Activity" and "Surface Contaminated Objects" Shipments
I have heard a rumor (third hand so that is the best it can be
characterized) that this proposal has significant changes to current
practices. Anyone involved in LSA/SCO shipping would be best advised to
review and comment.
>from a "Federal Register" notice of July 2, 1997:
>"The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Transportation
>have jointly prepared a draft report (designated NUREG-1608 and RSPA
>Advisory Guidance 97-005) entitled 'Categorizing and Transporting Low
>Specific Activity Materials and Surface Contaminated Objects.' NRC is
>issuing the draft report for review and comment...A free single copy of
>Draft NUREG-1608, to the extent of the supply, may be requested by
>writing to Distribution Services, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
>Washington, DC 20555-0001..."
>The opinions expressed are strictly mine.
>Here's to a risk free world, and other fantasies.
>Bill Lipton
the above are the personal musing of the author,
and do not represent any past, current, or future
position of NIST, the U.S. Government, or anyone else
who might think that they are in a position of authority.
NBSR Health Physics
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
301 975-5810