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Re[2]: LLW status according to AP: a fair story
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Subject: Re: LLW status according to AP: a fair story
Author: sandyfl@ix.netcom.com at Mailhub
Date: 7/16/97 10:55 AM
While this option is probably the most realistic choice, for many
applications, I seriously doubt that we will ever see this option
allowed. Seems like everybody is addressing clean water, clean air,
clean this and that. The question is, at what cost? And, are the
desired results ever achieved, and more importantly, are they even
warranted and scientifically valid? We can all recall the issue with
freon, ac units etc. My impression, from listening to the experts, is
that freon fro automobile ac units were never a causal effect on
ozone depletion, and not there is even talk of banning BBQ!!!!
I'm pretty sure that BBQ itself is not the subject of scrutiny, but
rather the usage of lighter fluid... which is, in fact, no longer
legal in parts of the country which have ground level ozone problems.
Charcoal lighter fluid is a fairly decent source of airborn volatile
organics which are in turn significant precursors to ozone formation.
Ground level ozone can be a significant concern... Mexico City for
instance, has actually had levels high enough to cause immediate
adverse reactions.
Ozone in the stratosphere is good, ozone at ground level is bad.
And now back to our regularly scheduled topic...
Jeff King
US DOE Facility Representative
Savannah River Operations Office