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Safety Culture
Even, in EEUU where Compliance Monitoring is conducted by the Regulatory
Authority frequently, and seems to me that the enforcement system is
strong, we can can learn every month the occurence of several violations
in Hospital and industry, that an incident/accident can be happen
To give an example, only considering accidents with fatalities, the
table shows the cases and number of fatalities in the last decade.
1981 Oklahoma, USA Industrial Radiography 1
1982 Kjeller, Norway Irradiation Facility 1
1984 Marroco Lost of source 8
1987 Goiania, Brazil Teletherapy Device 4
1989 San Salvador Irradiation Facility 1
1990 Israel Irradiation Facility 1
1990 Zaragoza, Spain Linear Accelerator 3
1991 Nesvizh, Belarus Irradiation Facility 1
1992 Xinzhou, China Lost of Co-60 source 3
1996 Iran Industrial Radiography 1 ?
1996 Costa Rica Teletherapy 32 ?
TOTAL 5 + (1?) 18 + (32?)
By other hand, IAEA's documents mentions the occurrence of more than 100
registered accidents with sealed radiation sources involving about 700
persons over-exposed to whole body dose larger than 0.25 Sv or to a local
skin dose above 6 Sv. In addition there have been accidents with sealed or
unsealed sources that were not reported, in number probably equally large.
Roots for high number of incidents in developing countries,
considering only the ones with a reasonable legislation and Regulation, as
well as, competent authorities:
- lack of on-site inspections
- poor quality of inspections
- insufficient staff
- staff with insufficient skills
- Conflit of authorities
Whitout good inspection in hospital how one can guarantee protection
for patient?
How it is possible to improve the mentality of Safety Culture?
In case of accident with fatality who is responsible (individual):
Radiation Safety Officer? Physician?
J. J. Rozental <josrozen@netmedia.net.il>
Consultant, Radiation Safety and Regulation
for Developing Countries