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Status of Decommissioning Section
- To: RADSAFE@ROMULUS.ehs.uiuc.edu
- Subject: Status of Decommissioning Section
- Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 14:22 -0500 (EST)
- Registered-Mail-Reply-Requested-By: ABELQUIE@ORAU.GOV
- Return-Receipt-To: ABELQUIE@ORAU.GOV
Many thanks to all of you who have expressed interest in the formation
of a Decommissioning Section of the HPS. The status of this initiative is
as follows:
The HPS Board of Directors authorized the formation of the
Decommissioning Section at the Annual meeting in San Antonio. The
Board approved a petition for establishing the Decommissioning Section
that was signed by more than 70 HPS plenary members.
As stated on the petition, the Decommissioning Section would be
charged with staying abreast of decommissioning rulemakings,
advances in survey instrumentation and techniques, and other
decommissioning program improvements by sponsoring sessions at
national HPS meetings and promoting papers that discuss lessons
learned and new approaches to decommissioning activities. This
Section would serve as a conduit for communicating the Society*s
position on decommissioning issues. (Please refer to the July 1997
Newsletter for additional information on the purpose of this Section).
The approved Steering Committee for the Decommissioning Section
Eric Abelquist Carl Gogolak
Steve Bump Patrick LaFrate
Greg Chapman Mark Ledoux
Bruce Dionne Robert Morris
David Fauver
The Steering Committee is tasked with preparing the Decommissioning
Section Charter and Bylaws. We plan to have these completed for HPS
Board approval at the Midyear meeting in Mobile, AL.
Please stay tuned for further information on the development of the
Decommissioning Section.
Eric Abelquist