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I have been asked to post the following advertisement.

                     Department of Institutional Safety

Director needed to develop and administer a coordinated program for
Vanderbilt University and Medical Center.  Must prepare and manage budgets;
establish and enforce policy; oversee disposal of hazardous materials;
coordinate training workshops; monitor compliance of industrial hygiene,
toxic materials, biohazard,  and fire/life safety programs; and serve as
liaison with federal and state agencies, risk management occupational
health, campus and medical center administrators, and with research staff.
Applicant should demonstrate working knowledge of federal environmental
regulatory requirements at teaching/research/health care institutions.
Strong oral and written communications skills with the ability to
effectively interact and serve a diverse client base required.  Send
qualifications with three letters of reference to Linda Hendricks,
Recruitment & Staffing, Box 160, Peabody Campus, Nashville, TN 37203.

Danny Anglin, Senior Institutional Safety Officer
Vanderbilt University
Department of Institutional Safety
U-0202 Med. Ctr. North
Nashville, TN 37232-2665

Phone:  (615)-322-2057
FAX:  (615)-343-0477