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abortions after Chernobyl etc
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Some days ago it was mentioned that according to a citation from a paper
which cited another one, which cited another one etc...... the IAEA had
cited that after the Chernobyl accident about 100000 to 200000 additional
abortions took place in Wester Europe. This was referred to the LNT theory
and all kind of international and national recommendations. The LNT theory
was accused of being guilty of the abortions etc.
I expressed then my doubts about the citations. Now I express more: On
Austrian TV yesterday there was a programme on abortions - not related at
all to Chernobyl. It was clearly expressed, that no statistics exist in
Austria referring to abortions. I would be astonished if such statistics
would exist in other Western European countries. Comparing "expected
births" to "births" is a nonsensense (Greece), because many other factors
than Chernobyl are governing births.
What are you Radsafers now discussing? You base your discussions on
arbitrary opinions. You base it on wrong assumptions. You discuss the
competence of persons, without knowing anything about their certifications
for certain. If one dares to question your input, you are the target of
flames, claiming , that you insulted a certain person (Ron Kathren) and you
should in the future keep your thoughts to yourself.(Ron Kathren).
I repeat: The LNT theory is not the cause of all evil in this universes. I
add that some RADSAFERS act in a way which is similar to the green groups.
I appreciate the input of the RADSAFER who dared to say, that nothing can
be deduced from the "input", which obviously did not exist.