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RE: Medical Exam
Andy Hull said the following:
> Aside from the pragmatic reasons why someone employed at a regulated and
> monitored facility should inform its radiation protection personnel of
> medical procedures involving radionuclides, I keep wondering about the logic
> of making a close accounting of employment related doses while ignoring
> comparable ones from other sources. Having been around for a while, I
> recall that when in the 1960s then AEC Commissioner James Ramey advocated
> the latter, his proposal elicited a strong negative response from the Health
> Physics Society and his idea died aborning. With 20/20 hindsight, maybe we
> were very nearsighted then.
Very good point. What is even more bizarre is that 10CFR20 allows a
Licensee to not require monitoring or to report a dose if the
individual is expected to be <10% of the pertinent annual limits.
The Licensee can provide a dosimeter, and still report that the
individual was NOT monitored. There is the category of dosimetry
provided but not required. The serious problem I have with this
scenario is that the individual KNOWS they were monitored, and when
told, when completing a Form 4, or not receiving an Annual Form 5,
that they were NOT monitored .. what does that employee think? They
think that they have been exposed to ionizing radiation, and, that
information is being hidden from them. That is exactly what they
Considering all of this, the issue of medical exposure seems to be
even less of a concern for a facility. The real issue is how they
handle alarms from monitors, and potential contamination
Sandy Perle
Technical Director
ICN Dosimetry Division
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Office: (800) 548-5100 x2306
Fax: (714) 668-3149
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http://www.dosimetry.com (~ July 27)
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the mouth, is to close it again on something solid"
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