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Re: Analysis of Fly-ash samples(from Thermal Power Stations)
On Thu, 14 Aug 1997, Milton E McLain wrote:
> On several occasions we (Texas A&M Univ., Dept. of Nucl. Eng.) were asked
> by a local electric utility to analyze fly ash from their fossil fuel
> generating plants for Ra-226. The procedure used was to weigh out a few
> grams into glass ampoules which were then heat-sealed and set aside for
> about 3 weeks to allow for ingrowth of the Rn-222 and its gamma-emitting
> progeny. Then the aged samples were counted by gamma spectrometry which
> measured the 609 KeV photons from the Bi-214 which is in secular
> equilibrium with the Ra-226. Quantitative analysis is performed by
> comparison to a standard fly ash sample processed in the same manner.
> Milton McLain
> Professor Emeritus
> mem6@juno.com
Reply from R. Ravishankar,
Thank you very much Prof. Milton McLain for the prompt
help. Also I realised now the service rendered by radsafe listserver. Any
published literature on the analysis of fly-ash samples will be of great
use. Does anyone help me ? (including Prof. Milton McLain).
Thank you radsafers !
R. Ravishankar,
Health Physics Unit,
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre,
1/AF, Bidhan Nagar,
Calcutta 700 064
e-mail : rravi@veccal.ernet.in