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Re[3]: Occupational Safety and Health Technician Certificati

     Try the www.aiha.org link again.  It is a good link.  You may also 
     want to try www.abih.org for the American Board of Industrial Hygiene 
     Boyd H. Rose, CM
     Radiation Protection Officer
     General Dynamics Land Systems Division
     The opinions expresses above are solely my own and do not under any 
     circumstance reflect those of my employer.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re[2]: Occupational Safety and Health Technician Certificati
Author:  radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at Internet/Unix
Date:    8/29/97 4:36 PM

     I seem to get into a Partnership with NIS by using the referenced website
     Chris Marthaller
     Fluor Daniel Hanford
     Health Physics Training
     ***My employer disavows all knowledge of any of my statements.  
     Standard Disclaimers REALLY DO apply here***
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Occupational Safety and Health Technician Certification
Author:  roseb@SMTP-gw.gdls.com (Boyd H Rose) at -MailLink 
Date:    8/29/97 3:22 PM
     Contact the American Board of Industrial Hygiene, 6015 West St. 
     Joseph, Suite 102, Lansing MI 48917-3980, phone (517) 321-2638.  They 
     are the body that certifies OSHT's.
     You can also find more information at http://www.aiha.org
     Boyd H. Rose, CM
     Radiation Protection Officer
     General Dynamics Land Systems Division
     The opinions expresses above are solely my own and do not under any 
     circumstance reflect those of my employer.
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Occupational Safety and Health Technician Certification
Author:  radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at Internet/Unix 
Date:    8/29/97 2:16 PM
        One of the job vacancy ads here at Los Alamos National Laboratory
the following wording under the "Desired Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities" 
section:  'Certification as an occupational safety and health technician."
        Please excuse my ignorance regarding non-radiation-related
but can anyone please enlighten me as to this OSHA technician certification 
program?  Does such a certification exist?  Can a person become certified 
by some testing organization as an "Occupational Safety and Health" 
Best regards  David
Los Alamos National Laboratory,  PO Box 1663, MS K483, Los Alamos, NM 
87545  PH: (505) 667-8085
David W. Lee
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Radiation Protection Services Group (ESH-12) 
PO Box 1663, MS K483
Los Alamos, NM  87545
PH:   (505) 667-8085
FAX:  (505) 667-9726
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Subject: Re: Occupational Safety and Health Technician Certification 
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