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Optimizing Internal and External Dose

From: Paul E Ruhter@INEL on 09/16/97 02:08 PM

To:   radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
cc:   Gregory L Courtney/COURGL/LMITCO/INEL/US@INEL
Subject:  Optimizing Internal and External Dose

We are wrestling with the guidance/direction provided in the DOE world by
10 CFR 20.1702 and 20.1703 concerning the use of respiratory protection to
minimize internal doses while minimizing total doses.

Along these lines, how many of you, in actuality, allow internal doses in
those circumstances where you can show that the total dose (internal and
external) was minimized?  How many of you can site specific cases? Unless
they are real interesting, I do not need to know the details of the cases.

In the situation where the airborne levels unexpectedly exceed the
protection factor of the respiratory protection that was selected for the
work, what corrective action is initiated, if any?  Is a re-evaluation of
the ALARA decision required or is it just sensible to do one?  And does
this depend on the degree to which the protection factor was exceeded?
Would such a situation drive you to more engineered controls?

Thanks for you input and advice in advance!!!

I alone am not responsible for this message. It has been approved by my

        Paul E. Ruhter   CHP
        Supervisor, Radiation Dosimetry & Records
        Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Company
        Idaho National Engineering & Environmental Laboratory (INEEL)
        e-mail:   ruh@inel.gov