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Thesis Project using Federal Guidance 13 / HEAST Tables -Reply
I would direct you to Neal Nelson at EPA/HQ who is the POC for FG 13
revision. He should be able to provide you with the background info and
current info that is being considered in the revision.
Charles Blue
EPA/Health Physicist
My opinions are my own
>>> MARK WINSLOW <WINSLOW.MARK@epamail.epa.gov> 09/17/97
05:25pm >>>
I have recently started going back to school part
time for a Ph.D. I want to do my thesis on risk
assessment and reducing all the conservative
assumptions in the environmental transport,
human uptake and cancer risk models. I
believe these conservative steps result in a
snowball effect where the actual human risk is
multiplied by several orders of magnitude.
(Who cares about LNT if your risk model
assumes someone eat a spoon full of dirt
everyday from the most contaminated area.)
I was wondering if anyone out there is aware of
current and past research in this area. My plan
is to use the risk methodology present in FG 13
and the HEAST tables. I was also going to try
and make some of the transport models more
realistic and take advantage of current
computer technology.
Mark Winslow
US EPA - Region II