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9th Symposia - Radiation Measurements

9th Symposia on Radiation Measurements and Application

May 12-14, 1998          Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Symposium website: http://www.engin.umich.edu/rad-meas98

Symposium Chairman: Glenn F. Knoll 

Deadline for receipt of summaries:  January 23, 1998

The most recent in this series of nine symposia was held on the University
of Michigan campus in 1994, with a program that included a total of 176
presentations in both oral and poster formats.  Sufficient technological
advances have taken place since 1994 to warrant bringing together
scientists, engineers, and other experts in this area to exchange
information and to stimulate this field of science and technology.

TOPICS - The program will emphasize research and recent development in
radiation measurements.  Tentative session topics are:

 Radiation sources, including secondary target sources
 Detectors and detection systems
 Data acquisition and data analysis systems and methods
 Radiation spectroscopy
 Particle-induced X-ray emission and radiation-induced fluorescence
 Analytical standards and elemental analysis
 New and unique applications of radiation
 Industrial radiography and tomography
 Nuclear methods in space exploration

with applications in energy and environmental technology, materials
research, radioactive waste management, non-destructive evaluation and
testing, medical and biological research, geosciences, and
nonproliferation or arms control.

CONTRIBUTED PAPERS - Summaries of contributed papers will be reviewed by
the Program Committee for possible inclusion in the Symposium Program.
Summaries must be received by January 23, 1998.  Submission may be by
electronic mail or FAX. If mailing hard copies, five copies of the
summaries should be sent to:

	Symposium Secretary
	The University of Michigan
	3034 Phoenix Memorial Laboratory
        FAX:  (313)763-7863
        Phone: (313)764-6214
	Ann Arbor, Michigan  48109-2100

Each summary must include the paper title with the author's name,
affiliation, mailing address, telephone, e-mail, and fax number.  Tables
and figures may be included, but each should be counted as 100 words
towards a total of 300 to 500 words.  Papers that are accepted for
publication will be limited to 4 pages in the proceedings.  Work submitted
must not have been previously published.

Authors submitting summaries which are accepted for inclusion in the
program must provide a copy of the full paper and a separate abstract.
Abstracts must be received by April 10, 1998 and will appear in a program
booklet available at the Symposium.  Copies of manuscripts are due by May
1, 1998.  Electronic submission is encouraged, and instructions will be
found on the Symposium Web page (address near top of page).  Full papers
will be peer reviewed for possible inclusion in a special issue of NUCLEAR

---  National Aeronautics and Space Administration
---  U.S. Department of Energy
     National Institute of Standards & Technology
     University of Michigan