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Type A packaging report
"Test and Evaluation Document for DOT Specification 7A Type A Packaging"
DOE/Rl-96-57, Volume 1.
http://www.hanford.gov/pss/t&p/dot7a/pdot7a.htm (case sensitive)
Roy A. Parker, Ph.D.
E-Mail: 70472.711@compuserve.com
Tel: 504-924-1473
Fax: 504-924-4269
-------------( Forwarded computer archived letter follows )-------------
11-Dec-97 09:19 CST
Sb: Type A packaging/PNL report
Fm: INTERNET:radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Does anyone know the URL for the PNL report on Type A Packagings? I know
this has been given out on RADSAFE before, and I thought I had down loaded
it, but I just can't seem to locate the file now that I want it.
Please respond directly to me. Thanks.
Clayton Bradt <raldrich@emi.com> phone: 518/457-1202
Assoc. Radiophysicist fax: 518/457-5545
NYS Dept. of Labor
Radiological Health Unit
Blg.12, Rm 134A
State Office Campus
Albany, NY 12240