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Re: C14 Natural abundance
C14 is "naturally abundant" in the sense that there are both human sources
(nuke weapons tests) and nonhuman. Eisenbud and Gesell give a natural
abundance of 6.1 pCi/g.
chris alston
At 09:34 12/19/97 -0600, you wrote:
>Jean: Carbon-14 is not "naturally abundant" because its half-life is not
>on the order of the age of the earth, i.e., on the order of the half-life
>of U-238 (4.5 billion years). C-14 is however "naturally (cosmically)
>produced." For this information, see Eisenbud and Gesell, 4th Ed,
>Environmentally Radioactivity, pages 549--550 which should help in your
>calculation. Best regards David
>At 03:45 AM 19-12-97 -0600, you wrote:
>>I would like to work out what is the amount of activity due to C14 in the
>>human body.
>>Can someone tell me what is the natural abundance of C14.
>>Jean-Michel MURE
>>DSU/SR/Radiological Protection and Environmental Surveillance
>>Parc de la Croix Blanche
>>1-7, rue Jean Monnet
>>Tel : 01 46 11 83 74
>>Fax : 01 46 11 80 13
>>Email : jm.mure@andra.fr
>David W. Lee
>Los Alamos National Laboratory
>Radiation Protection Services Group (ESH-12)
>PO Box 1663, MS K483
>Los Alamos, NM 87545
>PH: (505) 667-8085
>FAX: (505) 667-9726