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Re: Hiroshima: Of Historical Interest
I would be very interested in receiving a copy of the leaflet
Happy Holidays!
Dennis G. Stallsmith, M.S.
Radiation Safety Officer
General Dynamics Land Systems
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Subject: Hiroshima: Of Historical Interest
Author: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at Internet/Unix
Date: 12/22/97 2:57 PM
Happy Holidays!
Couple of weeks ago there were discussions of Hiroshima A-bomb affect
on RADSAFE so I assume there is still some interest on the subject.
Recently, my wife found a copy of a U.S. leaflet I translated few
years ago. I was told that it was dropped over Hiroshima right after
the bomb. A copy of the leaflet was bought to me by an another worker
here at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. The original belongs to
her next door neighbor and he wanted to know if I could translate it
for him. I translated it and kept a copy. The style of writing is from
that period (My father still writes in that style), but my father who
was at Hiroshima does not recall seeing that particular leaflet.
I scanned the leaflet into a TIFF format image file and have the ASCII
text of my translation. The image file is about 55K so I won't burden
the RADSAFE by posting it (to stay on Melissa's good guy list... I'm
assuming that I'm on the good guy list). If anybody is interested, let
me know. If there is only few interests I'll forward the two files via
email. If there is lots of interest, I'll see if I could find a Web
Page where I could place it, probably after the holidays.
Tosh Ushino
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station