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Re: rhabdymyosarcoma


Medline search using the key words shown revealed the following:

Keywords:  rhabdomyosarcoma AND radiation AND etiology


1.Radiation-induced rhabdomyosarcoma. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1996
  Jan 1; 166(1): 217-218. No abstract available.
  PMID: 8571891; UI: 96110538.

    Isiklar I, Libshitz HI

    Publication Types: Letter

    PMID: 8571891, UI: 96110538

2.The sequellae of chemo-radiation therapy for head and neck
  cancer in children: managing impaired growth, development, and
  other side effects. Med Pediatr Oncol. 1993 Jan 1; 21(1): 60-66.
  No abstract available.
  PMID: 8426576; UI: 93148940.

    Kao GD, Willi SM, Goldwein J

    Publication Types: Clinical conference 

    Comments: Comment in: Med Pediatr Oncol 1994;23(5):452 

    PMID: 8426576, UI: 93148940 

3.Rhabdomyosarcoma following radiation therapy for cervical
  carcinoma--a case report. Chang Keng I Hsueh. 1990 Mar 20;
  13(1): 65-71. PMID: 2379108; UI: 90335698.

    Lee CL, Chang TC, Shueh S, Soong YK

    We report an unusual case of a 70-year-old female with
    rhabdomyosarcoma of the uterus following radiotherapy for
    her stage IIIb cervical carcinoma 5 years ago. To our
    knowledge this may be the first case of rhabdomyosarcoma
    originating from the uterus following cervical cancer

    PMID: 2379108, UI: 90335698 

There were over 100 papers, so some discussion of rhabdomyosarcoma
with some radiation association (from radiation and/or chemotherapy)
may exist...

Your thesis should be interesting!



At 01:33 PM 1/14/98 -0600, you wrote:
>What is rhabdomyosarcoma?  
>What are risk factors?  
>What is the usual prognosis?  
>How radiosensitive are the tissues in which it occurs?  
>What are the accepted treatments?  
>What is the expected incidence?  
>Have any specific substances (artificial or otherwise) been linked to it 	
>Are there any WWW sites that would carry this information on this and other
>	cancers so I won't have to ask these questions again?
>Thanks in advance.
>The opinions expressed above are well-reasoned and insightful.  Needless to
>say, they are not those of my employer. (with apologies to Michael Feldman)		
>Andrew Karam, CHP  (karam.1@osu.edu)
>The Ohio State University 
>Office of Radiation Safety
>1314 Kinnear Road
>Columbus, OH  43212			    "The mind is not a vessel to
>(614) 292-1284 (phone)		    be filled but a fire to be 
>(614) 292-7002 (fax)			    lighted." (Plutarch)