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March 98 Health Physics TOC

Hi All,

Here is the March 1998 Health Physics Journal Table of Contents. 

Thanks to all who have helped with my recent requests for information. 

-Bruce Busby
 Journal's Homepage:

Schedule of Contents
Volume 74, No. 3,  March 1998

On the cover:  A train carrying scrap metal heads through the morning fog
to a steel mill--but is the scrap metal radioactive?  See article by Joel
O. Lubenau and James G. Yusko on page ??? for more information.
(Diorama created and Photographed by Joel Lubenau)


Radioactive Materials in Recycled Metals--An 
Joel O. Lubenau and James G. Yusko				Page - 293	


Gathering On-line Information
Bruce Busby
Page - 300       

An Examination of Radiation Exposure to Clinical 
Staff from Patients Implanted with 137Cs and
192Ir for the Treatment of Gynecologic 
Charles L. Smith, Wei-Kom Chu,
 David Granville, and Lori Nabity
Page - 301

Cancer Incidence Among Liquidators of the 
Chernobyl Accident: Solid Tumors, 1986-1995
V. K. Ivanov, E. M. Rastopchin, A. I. Gorsky,
 and V. B. Ryvkin
Page - 309

A Dosimetric Determination of 137Cs Ingestion 
from Global Fallout and the Related Risks to 
Y. Shimada, S. Morisawa, M. Yoneda, and Y. Inoue		Page - 316

The Monetary Value of the Person-Sievert:  A
Practical Approach in Case of Occupational Exposures
Frank Hardeman, Nol Pauwels, 
Bartel Van de Walle, Pascal Deboodt, 
and Paul De Meester
Page - 330                               

Uptake of Ingested Uranium After Low  Acute
Z. Karpas, A. Lorber, E. Elish, R. Kol, Y. Roiz, 
R. Marko, E. Katorza, L. Halicz, J. Riondato, 
F. Vanhaecke, and L. Moens					Page - 337

Body Potassium Content and Radiation 
Dose from 40K to the Slovak Population
A. Lahham, M. Flp, M. Vlad, and P. Ragan       		Page - 346               

Secondary Shielding Barriers for 
Diagnostic X-Ray
Facilities:  Scatter and Leakage Revisited
Douglas J. Simpkin and Robert L. Dixon		   	Page - 350	  
Discussion about Surface Boundary Conditions of
Radon Concentration and Surface Exhalation Rate
Calculations in Indoor Concrete Slab
Bin He, Ai-Guo Shang, and Hui-Ping Guo		  	Page - 366

Mapping Radon-Prone Areas by Lognormal
Modeling of Radon House Data
Jon Miles
Page - 370
Radiation Exposure Modeling for Apartment Living 
Spaces with Multiple Radioactive Sources
Jing-Shiang Hwang, Chang-Chuan Chan, 
Jung-Der Wang, and Wushou P. Chang			Page - 379


A Decision-Support System for Off-Site Nuclear 
Xia Yihua, Gan Lin, Pan Su, Liu Tiefu, Xia Honghui,
Zhang Yongxing, and Sang Xinzeng				Page - 387

Estimate of the Annual Per Capita Surplus Dose
Due to the Elevated Indoor Exposure to 222Rn 
Progeny Caused by the Use of Slag and Spoil of
Uranium  Rich Coal for Building Purposes 
in Ajka Town, Hungary
Z. Papp								Page - 393


Handbook of Radiobiology
Reviewed by Kathleen R. Meyer					Page - 398


Erratum								Page - 399
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Bruce Busby