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Copy of: Compy and the Year 2000

Original message: "Compy and the Year 2000" [#26083686]
Sent: 27 Jan 98 10:16
Well folks I got a response from the NRC contact listed for year 2000
problems.  To sumarize it, the program just prints the date giving the
last 2 digits of the year so 2000 will come out 00 and 2001 will be 01.
Anyway if anybody would like to read the response I'll forward it to you
if you send me an email request at vernig.peter@forum.va.gov.  Please
DO NOT RESPOND to this message as you will burden the entire RADSAFE
group with your reply.  
Regards all.
Peter G. Vernig, VA Medical Center
Response #1:  VERNIG,PETER    28 Jan 98 10:06
I waited to post this until I had a response from the addressee saying
he wouldn't mind my distributing his response. He said that was OK.
But he also said although his response indicates Comply will work,
the NRC is not certifying it as 2000 compliant and neither is EPA.
He gave me the EPA contacts E-mail address which is. HOFFMEYER.DALE
@EPAMAIL.EPA.gov.  So if you want to read his original response reply
to me with your e-mail address.  Or you can go straight to the source.
Peter G. Vernig, VA Medical Center, Denver