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Re: Electric chairs in our homes?

	This sounds like the equivalent of electrostatic precipitators
that cost 1/10 as much and do reduce the radon daughters. But they
increase the unattached fraction which essentially cancels out the

Bernard L. Cohen
Physics Dept.
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Tel: (412)624-9245
Fax: (412)624-9163
e-mail: blc+@pitt.edu

On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, Pickett, Bruce D wrote:

> The following short article appears on page 45 of the March 1998 issue
> of Popular Science magazine, published by Times Mirror Magazines.
> Bruce Pickett
> The Boeing Company, Seattle, WA
> bruce.d.pickett@boeing.com------------------------------------------Fight with PowerTHE FUTURE OF radon removal may be as simple as powering up your living
> room. In tests conducted under a grant from the EPA, SR Environmental of
> Amherst, New York, has shown that electrically charging a few furniture
> surfaces continuously can eliminate as much as 90 percent of radon
> particles circulating in a large room.Taking advantage of radon particles' affinity for highly charged
> surfaces, scientists attached a 10-kilovolt power supply to various
> pieces of furniture -- bookcases, sofas, tables. After about 3 hours,
> they found the airborne concentration of radon had decreased 76 to 90
> percent, depending on how large a surface area was charged.The charged surfaces also attracted other pollutants, such as pollen,
> spores, cigarette smoke, and dust. That's good for clearing the air, but
> bad for occupants who use the furniture. The company is now attempting
> to figure out how to either repeatedly clean these surfaces or create a
> single collection plate -- say, a bookcase -- with a surface area large
> enough to be effective.Radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, is the second-leading
> cause of lung cancer in the United States. The gas emanates from trace
> amounts of radium found in soil underneath or adjacent to many homes.
> The gas itself doesn't do the damage; rather, small particles emitted
> from its decay seep through cracks or porous building materials and are
> inhaled.SR Environmental is now conducting more studies to determine whether the
> system is feasible. One benefit: It would cost about $400, half that of
> the traditional method of subslab piping to remove radon. -- Gunjan
> Sinha