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Re: Release of Radioactive Cats

At 08:24 AM 2/13/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Our Veterinary Medicine Dept. would like to change the release 
>criteria used for the release of  cats which have 
>undergone radioiodine therapy.  Typically, cats receive 4 millicuries 
>if iodine-131 and are housed for 2 to 3 weeks or until the contact 
>radiation level is less than  2 mR/hr, which may take longer than 3 
>weeks in some cases.
>What are other veterinary medicine departments using as a release 
>criteria and are written instructions provided to owners?

>Don Munroe, RSO University of Florida
>352-392-7359  fax 352-846-0489

Remember when you change your  release criteria:   Some municipal solid
waste disposal sites have portal monitors that survey each dump-truck for
radioactive material.  Although it may be ok for the cat liter, and vomit
from human patients, to be disposed to normal trash,  the waste site may
not permit receipt of the material.    So now you have a dump truck that
can't be unloaded.  Now what should they do?


Eric Boeldt
Manager Radiation Protection		814-865-6391
Environmental Health and Safety	FAX  863-7427
6 Eisenhower Parking Deck		
University Park, PA   16802		ejb6@psu.edu