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Re: Lead Aprons in Dentistry

tdc@ehssun.lbl.gov wrote:

> The apron probably doesn't save that much exposure and probably needn't be
> required by law.  BUT since it isn't really very expensive and no big deal
> to do - it makes a good ALARA practice!  I certainly consider it a
> reasonable thing to do.

I disagree completely.  If one were to do an ALARA evaluation taking
into account the cost and the hypothesized benefit, there could be no
way lead aprons would have a net benefit when microrem are being saved.

I'm glad this is labeled an opinion.  My opinion on this issue is that,
to express such an opinion in public is likely to be one of the reasons
using radiation and radioactive material costs so much.  I don't mean
the following to be an ad hominem attack on Ted, only an expression of
disagreement with the idea that using lead aprons makes a good ALARA
practice.  Ted, as a member of the HPS might be looked upon by the
public as an expert in radiation protection.  For an expert to have such
an opinion and express it to the public (which is not the case here),
would, in my view, if the public were to take the opinion as fact, be
inappropriate.  However, all opinions are valid to the expressor and, in
this country, all opinions are appropriate to be expressed, unless they
are demonstratably malicious or libelous.  It is also appropriate to
express disagreement.  My problem is that we HPs don't express
disagreement with the authorities or with others like Caldicot when we
have one.  

Al Tschaeche antatnsu@pacbell.net