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Questionable Survey
A visiting technician used a GM pancake probe with a planar correction
factor of 50 beta dpm/100cm^2 per cpm, a RATE METER without digital
integrating capability and scale divisions of 20 cpm in a background of ~40
cpm, WOULD YOU QUESTION a report of "<1,250 beta dpm/100cm^2" for a STATIC
(i.e., NON-scanning) survey? (Assume the period of measurement is adequate
for the instrument to "fully" respond.)
I'm not convinced that <25 ncpm (i.e., only 1.25 scale divisions) can be
discerned or quantified with the above conditions/technique and that a
report of "<1,250 beta dpm/100cm^2" is not PROVEN by the survey. Can anyone
relate contrary experience or empirical studies? Please opine.
Craig Reed
East Tennessee Technology Park (K-25) RADCON