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Re: looking for an NRC contact

Sung Jun Maeng wrote:

> Dear Radsafers,
> One of my colleagues has a question about LLD associated with radioactive
> effluent monitors
> installed in nuclear power plants.
> So he would like to contact the office of nuclear reactor regulation.
> We tried to search for it through internet. However, it did not work.
> If there is anyone out there who knows how I could contact the office, I
> would appreciate any help.

Try Mr. James E. Wiggington in NRR/DRPM/PERB.  Phone: (301) 415-1059

By accessing the NRC Home (www.nrc.gov/NRC/PHONE) page you can try other
staff members in the same group by looking under the Office name

The Radsafe forum more than likely has several HP types that are experience
with NRC LLDs for effluents, it been around a long time is relatively
straight forward.  An acceptable LLD is either stated in your Off Site Dose
Calculation Manual or it is the current state of the art for the isotope in

Dean Chaney