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RE: Uranium Analyses
It is fairly staightforward. Use the following eqaution relating mass
of isotope to activity;
[{Mass (in grams)} x {Avogadros
constant} x {Natural logarithm of 2}]
{Activity (in Bq)} =
[{Mass number of isotope} x
{half life (in seconds)}]
and therefore;
[{Activity (in Bq)} x {Mass number of
isotope} x {half life (in seconds)}]
{Mass (in grams)} =
[{Avogadros constant}
x {Natural logarithm of 2}]
Do this for each of the three isotopes, add up the mass results, and
then compare them with the fluorimetry data.
You cannot use a conversion factor for 'natural uranium' unless you
know that the isotopic ratio of the Uranium that of natural Uranium;
this requires you to make a alpha spectrometry or mass spectrometry
Hope that this helps,
>Can anyone on RADSAFE provide me some references on uranium analyses in
>environmental water? Specifically, I need to compare results for
>and U-238 produced by alpha spectroscopy with results calculated using
>fluorometry method (ASTM-D5174-91).The fluorometry method uses laser
light to
>excite the U and produces total uranium results in ppm. I have been
>U-234,U-235 and U-238 results along with the ppm results, but have not
been able
>to find any consistent conversion factor to relate the ppm values to
>isotopic values. This makes comparing alpha spec and the other results
a hard
>trek. Any ideas? Please post to me at the address below:
Simon Jerome
National Physical Laboratory
Centre for Ionising Radiation Metrology
E-mail: simon.jerome@npl.co.uk
Internet: http://www.npl.co.uk/
Telephone: +44 181 943 6204
Facsimile: +44 181 943 7004