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Re: SI-units for radiation and activity -Reply

> > Un-American to consider the benefits of joining every other country in a
> > world standard.  Of course.   I can see that.
> Before this tread degrades to name-calling,

Yes, I agree, these emotional issues can easily degrade into 
mudslinging and name-calling.  But just that should tell us all 
something.  Are we using cold logic arguments or is this purely 
a matter of the heart?

I think we would all agree that standards are nessessary.  But how 
many standards are advisable for each entity?  Is it a standard if it 
only applies in a part of the world?

I South Africa we made the change over early, fast and without much 
resistance.  (But that was probably because we hated the English at 
that time!)  Now we are reaping the benefits.

> which all of us follow? The fact that a majority of countrys use this 
> system in itself is not the prime justification for others to follow 
> suit.

Are you saying just because the majority of the countries of the 
world are democratic, democracy is the best?  Why try and force those 
countries that do not follow the majority view?  Or is this anology 
too extreme?
> It has already been pointed out that the SI unit is NOT the 
> overwhelming standard as many would like to call it. There are some 
> in Europe, both western and eastern, that do not use it now. 

Is this good or bad?
> Again, if we are to really address this issue, it needs to be based 
> on facts, benefits and consequences. To do otherwise only causes 
> polarization amongs the populace. Lets deal with facts and issues, 
> and refrain from personal attacks.

 Yes, but allow me (in a jocular fashion) to respond to the following 

>>Of course, if conversion to SI units promoted world peace or improved my sex life,
>>I would be happy to make the change. 

SI does not stand for "Six Inches"; but then 20 cm sounds a lot better 
that six inches.  By the way, a change in attitude to a more free and 
adventurous spirit would definately improve your sex life!


Ado van Rensburg
Director: Medical Physics       Tel: int 27 12 354 2317
Pretoria Academic Hosp          Fax: int 27 12 329 1302
PBag X169                       E-mail: AVANRENS@MEDIC.UP.AC.ZA
PRETORIA,  South Africa
URL: www.up.ac.za/academic/medicine/medphys/department/ado.htm
I don't like Medical Physics - I LOVE IT!