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Re: FGR 13 math check

>	Your calculation leaves out the effects of radon, which are far
>larger than those of all the others combined.
Dear Dr. Cohen -

In summing up the U-238 decay series for dose from soil I used the value
given in FGR-13 for radon (1.01e-18 kg/Bq-s).  I was not attempting to
account for radon emanation in this sample calculation.  I should have made
this more clear in my initial posting.



The opinions expressed above are well-reasoned and insightful.  Needless to
say, they are not those of my employer. (with apologies to Michael Feldman)		

Andrew Karam, MS, CHP					(614) 292-1284 (phone)
The Ohio State University 					(614) 292-7002 (fax)
Office of Radiation Safety					"The mind is not a vessel to
1314 Kinnear Road						be filled but a fire to be
Columbus, OH  43212						lighted." (Plutarch)	   